How Do You Like Dem (Big) Apples?
So if you don’t follow me on Twitter, you might not have seen the moment I hyperventilated last night. Gail Simone is going to be at New York Comic Con. Gail Simone and Kelly Sue DeConnick are going to be at NEW YORK COMIC CON. This is the greatest thing to happen since a guy named Pepper who had a doctorate named a drink after himself.But Lexie, you say. You live in St. Louis. That’s hooooours away from New York. Why are you so excited?
Well, friends, I can now tell you: I AM GOING TO NEW YORK COMIC CON.
That’s right. On October 9th, I’m flying to New York to spend the weekend bopping around, meeting fascinating people, eating my way through the city, and on October 11th, I will be sitting on a panel. Hopefully the one they invited me to actually sit on rather than just some random one because getting thrown out by security before I get a chance to meet some of my idols will really suck.
What’s the panel, you ask?
Panel Name: VILLAINS: The Good, the Bad and the UglySo, if you’re going to be at NYCC or you just live in NY, PLEASE let me know. I’m bringing superhero swag with me to hand out, and I’ll hopefully get a couple of favorite comic issues signed by some really cool people to do a giveaway when we start ramping up for the release of SUPERHEROES ANONYMOUS on November 18th. I’ve got so many cool things in mind for this story, you guys are going to love it.
Time: Saturday 4PM – 4:45PM
Darth Vader, the Evil Queen, Hannibal Lecter, Nurse Ratched…let’s face it, being a villain is a way more fun sometimes. Join a panel of authors as they discuss what makes a villain memorable, why we need them, and if the tables were turned, would they be the heroes of their own tales?
And speaking of release dates:

For example, yesterday was the release date for Jack Heckel’s ONCE UPON A RHYME. I haven’t read it yet because I’m deep into editing, but THERE IS A DRAGON ON THE COVER SO YOU KNOW IT’S GOING TO BE GOOD. It’s only $2, too, so you should definitely get it on your ereader, then drop by Goodreads or Amazon or wherever to let them know what you think. The writers are hilarious (you can see their interview with my friend AFE Smith here), and I’m really looking forward to reading this.
Here are some of the other books already put out by Harper Voyager Impulse. I’m looking forward to reading all three because, and this is tooootal modesty speaking, if they were picked up by Harper Voyager Impulse, they must be some pretty great authors. *wink wink nudge nudge*

Thorn Jack || The God Hunter || The Stolen
Stay sexy, and maybe I’ll see you in New York!
- Lexie
Please keep it PG. My mom reads this blog.