Yes, that's right, I'll be wandering around San Diego, enjoying a vacation and watching the SDCC craziness happen from a distance. Probably while I'm at the beach. *buys extra sunblock*
SEPTEMBER 24: AUTHOR BREAKFAST at Left Bank Books in St. Louis, MO
More details to come!
How to Save the World

In the third book of Lexie Dunne’s sensational Superheroes Anonymous series, Hostage Girl returns one last time to save the world.
Gail Godwin—once so famous for being kidnapped by supervillains, the media still calls her Hostage Girl—is done with superheroes and their shadowy schemes. She’s got a cute boyfriend, a great roommate, and she’s even returned to her old job. For the first time in years, life is exactly what she wants it to be.
But when a figure from her past resurfaces, he brings with him a plague that changes the game for every superhero and villain out there. Now Gail must team up with both friend and foe to help save the world she thought she had left behind.
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June 2-5

I'm going to Phoenix Comicon! Come say hi, I'll be doing lots of panels.
June 2 - 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. - Fantasy Draft League - Fantasy football. Hold the football. Our authors assemble an adventuring party from fantasy characters and duke it out to determine the one bracket to rule them all.
June 3 - 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. - Harper Collins Spotlight - Join the authors of Harper Collision as they discuss what's on the horizon for the publishing juggernaut.
June 3 - 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Trope Talks: Kick Ass Heroines - As a protagonist, a woman of action is high in demand. This Trope Talk focus on the allure of woman of action and where she is going next.
June 4 - 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Beyond the Comics: Superheroes in Literature - With superheroes being more popular than ever, superhero fiction is on the rise. Or panelists discuss the next tall building for this genre to leap.
June 5 - 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Brighter Tomorrow - We've been through the apocalypse and worse. We've seen the rise of dystopians. But science fiction was once the language of optimism and futurism. Our panelists discuss whether we can go back to that era.