January Updates, New Books, and Mild Spoilers!

1/19/2016 11:38:00 AM Lexie Dunne 3 Comments

Hey all!

How's 2016 treating you so far? Bit of a bummer year; Alan Rickman has been one of my favorite actors for many years and I was sad to hear about his passing. Galaxy Quest is the most quoted movie in the Dunne household. Whenever something's not working, we're prone to shouting "You broke the ship! You broke the bloody ship!" The world lost what appeared to be a decent and wonderful human being.

Anyway, just popping in to say hi. I know I've been pretty scarce on the blog lately, but I wanted to let you know of some stuff. If you haven't seen the news yet, check out this Facebook post or catch up on my newsletter that I sent out on New Year's Eve.

That's right! Gail's back. I've signed a contract and everything, which was definitely a very strange feeling. Signing a book contract for the first time felt like a fluke. Signing one for the second time still…feels like I need to pinch myself and wake up, but it's a determined step forward and I'm so pumped about what comes next. I can't tell you a whole lot about it yet because I'm buried up to my elbows in making Gail's life hell, but if all goes well, you'll be reading a new installment of the Gail saga in September. I've updated my FAQ page to include a couple quick answers about this series, so if you have questions, you can always check there before contacting me.

Over on the Tumblr (which will be changing, by the way, just a head's up), I have posted a sneak peek at one of the storyboards I've been using to work on Gail 3. There are some mild spoilers (mostly who's in the book), but mostly you'll just see my terrible handwriting and a little bit into how my brain works while outlining and plotting a book. Also the bit in the corner where the marker was acting up and I drew a random thing that looks like another random thing.

Here it is (skip down the page if you don't want ANY spoilers at all):

Also updated was my Books page! I've added SUPERHEROES ANONYMOUS 3: UNTITLED to my overview page and that really makes it official. Also I stuck some interesting tidbits into the Works In Progress portion of that page, so you're welcome to wander over and take a gander. Other updates include my "About Me" page and some fancy widgets to the sidebar. I'm proudest of the Other Nerds widget. You should go check those people out. They are Quality.

Speaking of quality, I wanted to let you guys know about a new book coming out from the same people that publish the Gail series. ROGUE RETRIEVAL is by fellow St. Louisian Dan Koboldt, and I'm so excited for this book. A stage magician is sent into a world with actual magic. I can't wait to start reading it. You can find out more about it on his site. If you stop by, tell him hi for me.

Other deals from the program, too: Unexpected Rain by Jason LaPier is on sale for $1.99 and Supervision by Alison Stine is on sale for 99 cents for the rest of the week. You should definitely snatch those up while you can!

Until then, stay sexy!


  1. Your thought process seems so clear according to your board.... :-))
    no "hangman" or tic-tac-toe games!

    1. I prefer to play games like Hangman with my characters inside the novel, rather than on the board. ;)

  2. Glad to see your next one announced. There aren't enough superhero series where the main character struggles over the course of several novels to become competent.

    Gail Godwin fits in well with Jim Bernheimer's Calvin Stengel and Auralee Wallace's Bremy St. James.


Please keep it PG. My mom reads this blog.